Cosmetic Dentist – The Difference Between Orthodontists and Cosmetic Dentists

Generally speaking, cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth and smile. This might include whitening, veneers and cosmetic dental bonding.

Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist will be able to combine their technical knowledge and day-to-day experience with a refined, artistic touch. The result is a stunning smile that complements your facial features and personal preferences.



Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells that cover the front side of teeth to change their appearance. They can be used to fix a variety of issues, such as chips, discoloration, uneven spacing, and misalignment. A cosmetic dentist can help you choose the right veneers for your specific needs. They are also less invasive than more extensive dental treatments, such as crowns. Veneers are made from porcelain or resin composite materials and have a natural appearance. They are resistant to future staining, but it is important to brush and floss regularly with non-abrasive toothpaste to keep them looking their best.

A patient can expect to make several appointments for the entire treatment process. The first appointment involves a consultation with the dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for veneers. They will advise you on their best recommendations and answer any questions that you may have about the procedure.

During the next appointment, the dentist will trim down about half of a millimeter of enamel to prepare the tooth for the veneers. This is done to ensure that the veneers fit properly and are the correct color. They will then take a mold of the teeth and send it to a lab to be constructed. It typically takes about a week or so to receive the final veneers from the lab. During the last appointment, the dentist will check to make sure that they are in the proper position and that they are a good color before permanently bonding them to the tooth.

Some patients might experience some sensitivity with their new veneers for a few days or months. However, this sensitivity should go away as the mouth adjusts to the feel of them. In addition, it is important to avoid using the teeth for opening packages or biting down on hard foods, since these activities could cause the veneers to crack or break.

When choosing a cosmetic dentist, be sure to do your research to find someone who is qualified and has a good reputation. A quality cosmetic dentist will be able to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.


A cosmetic dentist can use crowns to restore damaged teeth. They can be made from ceramic, metal alloys or a combination of both. They are placed directly on the damaged tooth to cover it completely and they can also be used to replace a missing tooth when attached to a dental bridge.

A tooth crown is usually recommended by a cosmetic dentist when a damaged tooth can no longer be repaired with a filling or an inlay. They are a cost-effective way to improve the appearance of your smile. They can also strengthen the tooth and support biting pressure, and they can help to protect weakened or cracked teeth.

The type of crown that is best for you will depend on the nature and extent of your tooth damage. A cosmetic dentist will evaluate the condition of your teeth using X-rays and other diagnostic tools, before recommending any treatment.

Resin crowns, which are fabricated from the same tooth-colored filling material that is used to repair cavities, are an inexpensive option that can be placed immediately. However, they are more susceptible to color change and wear and tear over time. Additionally, they can create a dark line next to the gum line of crowned teeth, which may look unnatural.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are a more durable option that offers excellent biocompatibility. However, they are not as aesthetically pleasing as all-ceramic crowns. They also require a larger amount of natural tooth to be removed to fit them. This can lead to the tooth becoming weaker and more prone to decay or a root canal.

Metal crowns are a good choice for molars located at the back of the mouth because they offer superior strength and durability. These types of crowns are usually made from gold, silver or a mix of other metals. It is important that a patient is not allergic to any of the materials used in their crown as an allergy can result in the need for crown replacement.

Zirconia crowns are the most aesthetically appealing option of all of the available materials. They are also extremely durable and offer a very life-like aesthetic. These crowns can be fabricated on a CAD/CAM machine at your dental practice and can often be placed in just one appointment.


Implants are used to replace missing teeth and can improve your appearance, comfort and health. These are usually made from titanium and are inserted into the jaw bone where they fuse with natural bone tissue to become part of the body. A cosmetic dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure at your initial consultation. You may be given a sedative before the surgery to make you more comfortable, or general anaesthesia may be used for complicated cases.

Before an implant is placed, a cosmetic dentist will ensure that the patient has healthy gums and enough bone density in the jaw to support it. They may also do a comprehensive exam, including X-rays and 3D images of the jaw and teeth. They will then create models of the mouth to help them plan the best placement for the implants. Some people will require a bone graft to build up the jawbone before an implant can be placed.

A cosmetic dentist can place one or more artificial teeth on top of the implants to complete your smile. They can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, or even a whole row of teeth. They can improve the appearance of your smile and make it easier to eat, speak and brush your teeth. Implants are very durable and last longer than traditional dentures, and they do not require special care or soaking in solution.

If you have a problem with your implant or any of the materials that make it up, it is important to report it promptly. You can do this by filling out a voluntary medical product reporting form through MedWatch, the FDA’s safety information and adverse event reporting program.

While veneers and dental bridges are commonly used to correct cosmetic issues, dental implants fall under restorative dentistry, which focuses on procedures that keep the mouth healthy and functional. This includes preventive treatments like fluoride and sealants, and corrective treatments like tooth decay repair and root canals. While a cosmetic dentist can perform these services, they typically do not focus on them as part of their practice.


Orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry may seem similar in that they both work to improve patient smiles, but the difference is a big one. While both services aim to elevate aesthetics, orthodontists focus on improving oral alignment first and foremost before addressing other issues such as jaw pain. Similarly, cosmetic dentists tend to use different tools than orthodontics when performing procedures. Instead of metal braces, they often employ composite bonding and veneers to impact teeth’s appearance.

However, it is not uncommon for these two types of dental professionals to collaborate with one another to provide patients with the best possible care. This is particularly true when it comes to treating crooked, misaligned, or chipped teeth, as both treatments can be used in tandem with orthodontics to achieve optimal results.

Often, misalignment issues such as overlapping or gapped teeth are caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, childhood trauma, and habits like over-indulging in certain foods and drinks that can stain the tooth enamel. In these cases, the cosmetic dentist can help to correct these issues by providing a number of solutions that are designed to reduce or eliminate these stains. In addition, they can recommend oral hygiene practices to encourage a healthier smile.

For instance, they can suggest using a straw when drinking certain beverages to minimize their contact with the front teeth, and they can recommend mouthguards for those who engage in physical activities that could lead to facial injuries. They can also offer whitening procedures, which can dramatically improve the brightness of the tooth enamel for a more attractive smile.

Many patients feel self-conscious about their misaligned smiles, which can cause them to avoid smiling or speaking in public. This can affect their self-esteem and confidence levels, resulting in problems with social interactions. Cosmetic dentistry offers a number of treatment options that can fix these issues, such as teeth whitening, veneers, and porcelain crowns. However, these treatments cannot fully address misalignment issues, and a visit to an orthodontist is usually required to straighten the teeth and align the jaw.